Peak Performance Mastery is an online community specifically designed to create the shortest path for entrepreneurs to achieve wealth, abundance and prosperity by providing the specific tools to dramatically and consistently improve results and personal performance each and every day.
The program consists of weekly training videos, our book club featuring hand selected personal favorites from Patrick, monthly interviews with other high achievers, monthly wealth strategies, access to our online community and a monthly give-back challenge.
Joe & Michelle Norman

I met Patrick Precourt in March 2013 when we were participants in a Personal Development Program. From the moment we met, I knew there was something very unique and special about this man. And I wasn’t the only one. When we were put in a team and asked to select a leader we all pointed at Patrick and we didn’t even know what his capabilities were. He continuously inspired and coached the team and even though it was only for 5 days, he left a massive impression on me. He led us with strength and compassion, power and calm, was selfless, giving his team his all. In a competitive environment he kept us all level headed and composed.
When I was at my lowest, he picked me up and was able to talk me through my situation very quickly and in a way that I had my breakthrough and then the problem wasn’t a problem ever again. Because, what makes Patrick so unique, is his gift of being PRESENT. When he talks to you, he talks to your whole being, he looks you in the eyes and you feel safe that “he’s got your back”. Even now, when I read his Facebook posts or watch his Google hangouts, I feel like he is talking to only me.
Patrick was born to influence others with his leadership and with who he is. He is relentless in his pursuit of making an impact in other people’s lives. He is genuine, honest and authentic and you will never regret working with him as it will be truly transformational!
Annie Kallis

Having spent many years managing my life in a very traditional way, I came upon a time in which I had to make some very “non-traditional” choices.
If I looked at my life as a whole, I felt very accomplished. Went to college, landed a very good job with a very good company, got married, was blessed to be able to raise 2 of the most amazing young men a parent could ask for. Everything looked great on the outside, but my world was crumbling on the inside.
There had been a hole in my life for a very long time. A hole I thought would eventually be filled if I could “just take care of everything else.”
While I felt I was successful overall, I was really failing with the most important part of the equation: failing to take care of me.
Once I made the decision to move forward with a life changing decision, I felt a sense of emptiness and paralyzing fear from staring at what was now a blank slate. It was time to start over again. A dear friend had put me in touch with Patrick and I realized after speaking together with him – that I needed to change my view by expanding my mind to see the good that came from this experience.
Patrick did not know me at all, but after a few conversations he saw something in me that I was unable to. He was able to provide clarity by being very candid and helping to pull out of me the hidden strengths that would get me through. We started by just getting real and fine tuning some basics. In addition to our conversations, I have been an avid viewer of his amazing google hangouts and loved that I could review his YouTube videos over and over as many times as I needed to – especially if I did not understand a concept. The repetition helped solidify his messages that were so critical to helping me close some of my biggest gaps.
The one thing I appreciate about Patrick – aside from his honesty and candor – is the fact that he expects nothing in return. Patrick leads by example by giving so much of himself and only asking those he works with to do their very best. In doing their best – that leads to more good in the world. If nothing else, one person at a time.
Patrick’s style of keeping things real is refreshing. He doesn’t sugar coat his messaging. That is a testament to who he is. Real. That, in turn, has reminded me to keep things real. Those around me take note of the change. Its just the beginning. Since our first meeting, things in my life have turned around tremendously as I employ a different approach and experience improved results. The inside is beginning to match the outside.
I’m entirely grateful for having had the opportunity to work together with Patrick during this critical juncture in my life. Even in the worst of situations, there is opportunity. Having a positive outlook will only lead to more great change, not only for me, but those closest to me. Ultimately, that is the greatest gift of all.
Jolene Wilson

Pat Precourt saved my life! For 30 years I worked hard and enjoyed much success. In my business I had a partner who had done some things incorrectly and cost me my business. At the age of 56 I had to start new. I struggled. At each struggle I began to focus on my past, why did my partner do that? Why did he screw me, if it wasn’t for him I would still be a success… why, why, why?
Pat taught me to forget about my past. He asked me a question which I use every day. “Do you ever wonder why the rearview mirror is so small, and the windshield so big?” Look forward – don’t look back. Look at the big picture. This single technique has helped me make my journey so much easier and so much more productive and turned me from struggle to success.
He also taught me that the business cycle was also the life cycle: Peaks and valleys are all part of the natural progression of success and not to worry when you have a setback. It’s not the end of the world, it’s all part of the natural progression of learning. Once in a funk you need to recognize it and TAKE ACTION.
Not looking back and taking ACTION have been two key elements to my success, and more than monetary success, I have peace of mind. I am not living in my haunted past. I am living in the future, the future I have chosen, happy without the chains of my past. I could go on but the truth is Pat doesn’t let you get away with crap. He makes you confront your demons head on. I still have bad days… let’s just say there are less bad days and my good days have turned into GREAT ones.
Pat Precourt Rocks! That’s a fact!
Johnathan Perry

Patrick is extremely motivating in a way that is part parent, part friend, part football coach and part counselor. He genuinely cares about everyone which is quite evident in the advice he gives and his patience and diligence with regard to answering questions. I feel listening to Patrick is helping me to keep on point and moving forward even when there are forces both internal and external (which he is very adept at reminding us of) that work against us. I have introduced my 17 year old son to Patrick’s concepts to help prepare him for college and life.
John Grillo

I met Patrick at a Blair Singer course in Arizona. I just happened to sit at the same table with him, which ultimately landed us on teams. I don’t believe in coincidences, and it was proven that being at that seminar, in that city, and at that specific table was no coincidence. I was at a low in my relationship. I felt like I had no voice and was standing seconds away from defeat. Patrick’s ability to relate, understand, and be vulnerable and authentic helped give me the confidence to regain my personal power. A man that can hear a woman, truly hear her and understand her, is a man who has learned to maximize the power of the polarities between man and woman. Patrick is capable of that.
Thank you Patrick, for sitting at my table.
Desiree D. Higa Hikuroa

Since I began following you in the past year I have begun to realize I’m one of those people always looking for the next best thing. Starting successful businesses and then getting sidetracked. Starting a diet and then hearing about another method then getting sidetracked. I feel much more focused these days but I still have a long way to go. I will tell you since February I am down 50lbs and I will be running my first half marathon on Oct 19th. Thanks to tuning into you and me learning to overcome all obstacles to just get it done. I was lucky to be able to run a mile 8 months ago and now doing over 20 a week. Thanks again for sharing your teachings and for all your inspiration. You’re awesome!
Tom Pavlowski
The 8 Keystones of Success